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外交部「双语」例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2022-5-27)暨首届全球元宇宙大会北京峰会上正式公布《元宇宙北京宣言》

时间:2022-05-28 23:33 来源: 编辑:admin


「双语」例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2022-5-27)外交部发言人办公室2022-05-28 11:45科技管理研究所2022年5月27日外交部发言人汪文斌主持例行...

「双语」例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2022-5-27)

外交部发言人办公室2022-05-28 11:45科技管理研究所



Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin’s

Regular Press Conference on May 27, 2022


  Bloomberg: China offered Sri Lanka a loan to help the country pay for essential consumer items and fertilizers, according to a report from the Financial Times citing the Sri Lankan prime minister. Can the foreign ministry confirm this loan to Sri Lanka and can you provide any more details?


  Wang Wenbin: I would like to refer you to competent authorities for the specifics. I want to reiterate that China fully relates to the difficulties and challenges facedby Sri Lanka and stands ready to play a constructive role in its steady economic and social development.



  CCTV: Many countries including Argentina have expressed their readiness to join BRICS since the beginning of this year. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson said on May 25 that Russia supports BRICS expansion proposed by China. As China takes over the chairship this year, what is China’s consideration for the enlargement?


  Wang Wenbin: BRICS is an important mechanism for cooperation among emerging markets and developing countries, and a key platform for South-South cooperation. For 16 years since its inception, BRICS has maintained a sound momentum with practical cooperation in various areas deepening and substantiating. It has become a positive, stabilizing and constructive force on the international stage with rising international influence and appeal.


  Since its inception, BRICS has been closely linked to the destiny of emerging markets and developing countries. Having completed its first membership expansion, the New Development Bank (NDB) will provide financial support to more developing countries and raise the voice and influence of the NDB in the international financial system. Facing the once-in-a-century changes and pandemic which are compounded by international hotspot issues, BRICS countries agree that it is important to enhance cooperation with other emerging markets and developing countries, further improve the representation of BRICS, make BRICS’ voice in major international and regional issues more widely heard, join hands to meet challenges, and uphold the common interests and development space of emerging markets and developing countries.


  As the BRICS Chair this year, China actively supports the start of BRICS expansion process and broaden “BRICS Plus” cooperation. The recently-held Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs reached consensus on the BRICS expansion process and held the first ever “BRICS Plus” foreign ministers’ meeting, which fully shows that the BRICS cooperation is open and inclusive. China will work on BRICS parties to continue to have in-depth discussions on BRICS expansion and determine the standards and procedures for that on the basis of consensus. We look forward to more like-minded partners joining the big family of BRICS.



  Nikkei: State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will pay a virtual visit to the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) soon. What activities are scheduled? Also, the FSM signed the Compact of Free Association (COFA) with the US. Do you have any comment?


  Wang Wenbin: Before I answer your question, I would like to brief you on State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s just-concluded visit to Solomon Islands. Yesterday, during his visit to Solomon Islands, Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Solomon Islands’ Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare and Acting Governor General Patteson Oti. He also held talks with Solomon Islands’ Foreign Minister Jeremiah Manele and jointly met the press with him.


  State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that friendship, whenever it happens, is cherishable. The diplomatic relationship between China and Solomon Islands was established not very long ago, but it had a good start andhas witnessed steady and rapid development. The two countries see deepening political mutual trust and broad prospects for practical cooperation and have become close friends with mutual trust and good partners with mutual support. Facts have proven that Solomon Islands’ political decision to establish diplomatic relations with China is totally in line with the trend of development and progress of the times as well as the fundamental and long-term interests of the people of Solomon Islands. China is willing to work with Solomon Islands in the spirit of seizing the dayand giving full play to the late starter’s advantage toconsolidate bilateral relations and deepen cooperationand bring more benefits to the two peoples.


  State Councilor Wang Yi further expounded on three principles for China and Solomon Islands to promote security cooperation.


  First, we fully respect the sovereignty of Solomon Islands. China-Solomon Islands cooperation is based on Solomon Islands’ needs and requirements, on the premise of Solomon Islands’ consent, and on the basis of equal consultation. It is never China’s foreign policy orthe Chinese style, to impose deals on others, interfere in Solomon Islands’ internal affairs, or damage other countries’ interests.


  Second, we help maintain the social stability of Solomon Islands. China-Solomon Islands security cooperation includes assistance in maintaining social order, protecting people’s lives and property, and providing humanitarian relief and natural disaster responsein accordance with the law at the request of Solomon Islands. The aim is to help Solomon Islands strengthen police capacity-building,address the security governance deficit and maintain domestic stability and lasting peace and security. China-Solomon Islands security cooperation is totallyaboveboard.Itwas not imposedonanyone,doesnottarget any third party or intends to establish amilitary base.


  Third, the cooperation goes in parallel with regional arrangements. China supports Pacific Island Countries in strengthening security cooperation and working together to address regional security challenges. China supports the existing regional security cooperation arrangements. At the same time, China-Solomon Islands security cooperation and the existing regional arrangements complement each other, sharing the same objectives and interests. China-Solomon Islands security cooperation conforms to the common interests of Solomon Islands and the South Pacific region.


  The leadership of Solomon Islands said that China has become the largest infrastructure partner and a reliable development partner of Solomon Islands. They thanked China for providing anti-pandemicsupplies and rapid testing equipment and dispatching medical teamsto Solomon Islands. They also appreciated China’s timely provision of police supplies and sendingpolice advisors to help maintain social security after the rioting took place in Honiara. The cooperation between Solomon Islands and China is based on equal treatment and mutual respect, with closer ties in various fieldsthat bring tangiblebenefits to Solomon Islands’ people.


  During his visit, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi also stated China’s position on developing relations with Pacific Island countries. He stressed that China will continue to follow four principles when developing relations with PICs.


  First, equal treatment. It’s China’s consistent stancethat all countries, big or small, are equal. When developing friendly relations with PICs, China will upholdjustice while pursuing shared interests and followthe principle of sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith. China regards PICs as an important part of South-South cooperation and an important partner in building a community with a shared future for mankind.


  Second, mutual respect. China always respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of PICs, as well as the PICs people’s efforts to explore development paths in line with their own national conditions. When conducting exchanges and cooperation with PICs, we never interfere in their internal affairs, never attach any political strings, and neverseek any geopolitical self-interest.


  Third, win-win cooperation. China will continue to be an advocate, builder and promoter of PICs development. China stays committed to deepening pragmatic cooperation with PICs in various fields, sincerely helping PICs develop theeconomy, improve people’s well-being and enhance the capacity for self-driven development, and sharingthedividends of China’s development with the PICs people.


  Fourth, openness and inclusiveness. The South Pacific region should be a stage for cooperation, rather thanan arena for vicious competition. China’s cooperation with PICs doesn’t target any country, nor will it be disrupted by any country. At the same time, we respect the various ties that PICs have established with other countries, and are open-minded about carrying out more tripartite cooperation with other countries inside and outside the region.


  With regard to State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang’s virtual visit to the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) you asked about, we will release relevant information in due course. As for the signing of the Compact of Free Association between the FSM and the US as you mentioned, we have no objection to normal cooperation between countries, but we hope that such cooperation will not target any third party.



  AFP: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called yesterday for vigorous competition with China to preserve the existing global order. He said that Beijing posed the most serious long-term challenge to the international order. I wonder if you have any comment on this?


  Wang Wenbin: Inhis verbosespeech, Secretary Blinken went to great length to spread disinformation, play up the so-called “China threat”, interfere in China’s internal affairs and smear China’s domestic and foreign policy. The sole purpose is to contain and suppress China’s development and maintain the US hegemony. China deplores and rejects this. I’d like to stress the following:


  First, humanity is now living in a new era of connectivity, where all countries share a common future and their interests are closely intertwined. The pursuit of peace, development and win-win results is an unstoppable trend of the times. In the face of changes unseen in a century, we must stick together and promote solidarity and cooperation if we want to uphold world peace and stability, meet the challenge of COVID-19 and revitalize the global economy. The US sensationalization of the so-called “China threat” cannot solve its own problems, and will only lead the world to a dangerous abyss.


  Second, the US side is completely confusing right and wrong when calling China “the most serious long-term challenge to the international order”. China was, is and will remain adefender of the international order. We uphold the UN-centered international system, the international order based on international law and the basic norms governing international relations underpinned by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. People with discerning eyes can easily see that the so-called “rules-based international order” claimedbytheUSis nothing but a set of “house rules” established by the US and a handful of other countries to maintain the so-called “order” led by the US. The US always puts its domestic law above international law, and cherry-picks international rules as it sees fit in a pragmatic way. This is the biggest source of instability in the international order.


  Third, peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom are the common values of humanity. Democracy and human rights have historical, specific and practical contexts. Countries can only explore suitable paths in light of national realities and people’s needs. There is no one-size-fits-all model. No country has the right to monopolize the definition of democracy and human rights, to lecture others on those issues, or to meddle in other countries’ internal affairs under thepretext of human rights. The US is running a hugedeficit in democracy and human rights with its deplorable track record. Is it in a position to posture as a guardian of democracy and human rights and criticize other countries on these issues?


  Fourth, China advocates the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, and holds that the future of the world should be decided by all countries together. Countries should build partnerships featuring equal treatment, consultation and mutual understanding. Major countries should take the lead in charting a new course of international engagement of dialogue and partnership rather than confrontation and alliance. Creating “small cliques” is reversing the course of history. Forging “small groups” is against the trend of history. The US creates the so-called “Indo-Pacific strategy” to rope in regional countries to encircleandcontain China, and claims to “shape the strategic environment around Beijing”. This move to gang up on China will get no support and is doomed to fail.


  Fifth, China’s diplomacy champions and practices the five principles of peaceful coexistence, stays committed to establishing and developing friendly and cooperative relations with all countries, callsfor equality of all countries regardless of size, and opposes imposing one’s own will on others. The label of “coercive diplomacy” can by no means be pinned on China. The US is the inventor of and the synonym to “coercive diplomacy”. Those being coerced by the US could be big or small, close or distant, and friend or foe. The US obsession with bullying hasbroughtdeepsufferingsto the international community. It ishightime that the US worked onthisbad habit.


  Sixth, issues relating to Taiwan, Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Tibet are purely China’s internal affairs. Resolving the Taiwan question and achieving complete national reunification is the shared aspiration and firm will of all the Chinese people. There is no room for any compromise. The US said that it does not support “Taiwan independence”, but it isnotpracticingwhatitsays. The US has violated the political commitment it made to China time and again, trying to hollow out the one-China principle and embolden the “Taiwan independence” forces. It is such moves that attempt to change the status quo and constitute severe threats to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. The Xinjiang-related issues are essentially about fighting violentterrorism, extremism and separatism. The accusations of “genocide” and “forced labor” have long been proven lies of the century. The US is risking its own credibility by insisting on spreading those lies. Hong Kong is part of China. When implementing the policy of “people of Hong Kong administering Hong Kong”,theguidingdocumentcanonlybe China’s Constitution and the Basic Law of Hong Kong, not theSino-British Joint Declaration. We urge the US to abide by basic norms governing international relations, stop using the above-mentioned issues to interfere in China’s internal affairs, and stop spreading lies and disinformation. We solemnly warn the US side not to underestimate the strong resolution, will and capability of the Chinese people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.


  Seventh, while talking about competition with China, the US is actually overstretching the concept of national security to impose illegal unilateral sanctions, exercise long-arm jurisdiction and seek decoupling and industrial chain breakage, which have gravely undermined the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises and deprivedothercountries ofthe right to development. This is by no means “responsible competition”, but rather unscrupulous suppression and containment. The key for the China-US relationship to walk out of the predicament is for the US side to abandon its mania for zero-sum games, give up its obsession with encircling and containing China and stop undermining China-US relations.


  The China-US relationship is now at an important crossroads. Antagonism and confrontation or dialogue and cooperation? Mutual benefit and win-win cooperation or zero-sum game? The US side should make the right choices bearing in mind the common interests of people in both countries and the world. It needs to act on President Biden’s remarks that the US does not seek a new Cold War with China; it does not aim to change China’s system; the revitalization of its alliances is not targeted at China; the US does not support “Taiwan independence”; and it has no intention to seek a conflict with China. We have noted that Secretary Blinken said in his speech that the US is not looking for conflict or a new Cold War with China; it doesn’t seek to block China from its role as a major power, nor to stop China from growing its economy; and it wants to coexist peacefully with China. We are watching what the US will do.



  China Daily: Recently, some people in certain Western countries have been accusing China of “hoarding grains” in the international market. They demand more actions from China for global food security. Do you have any comment?


  Wang Wenbin: The Chinese government always attaches great importance to the issue of food security. We follow a vision on food security that is centered on “self-sufficiency in grain supply and absolute security of staple grains”. The year 2021 marks the seventh consecutive year that China secured an annual grain production of over 1.3 trillion jin (650 million tonnes). China stands as the world’s largest grain producer and third largest grain exporter. We have the capability and confidence of being self-reliant in securing our own food supply. It is unnecessary for China to “hoard grains” in the international market.


  China has managed to feed one fifth of theworld’s populationwith a quarter of the world’s total food productionon less than 9% of theworld’s arable land. This achievement is in itself a significant contribution to world food security. In the meantime, China has shown its responsibility as a major country and made positive contributions to ensuring global food security. Under the Global Development Initiative put forward by China, food security is one of the eight priority areas of cooperation. We will mobilize efforts from all parties across the globe to draw on each other’s advantages, and pool the strength for achieving all sustainable development goals including food security. China has always been an important strategic partner of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in South-South cooperation. In recent years, we have donated a total of $130 million to the FAO’s South-South Cooperation Programme. China has sent a large number of experts and technical personnel to countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean and to Pacific Island Countries. China has donated the largest amount of fund, sent the most experts, and undertaken the most projects under the framework of the FAO’s South-South Cooperation Programme among all developing countries. Since the start of COVID-19, China has responded actively to the appeal of the UN and other international organizations by providing emergency food assistance to many countries. China’s contribution to stabilizing world food production and supply has been widely praised by the international community.


  Besides, China actively advocates reducing food loss and food waste. Iftheworld can reduce food loss by one percentage point, we can save up to 28 million tonnes of food that is enough to feed 70 million people. President Xi Jinping has stressed the importance of food conservation on many occasions. In 2021, China held the International Conference on Food Loss and Waste, which received warm response from the international community including G20 member states.


  We are sad to see that in many developing countries with food shortage, people don’t have enough to eat while in some developed countries, food often goes uneaten and gets dumped in the trash can. The amount of food wasted in developed countries each year is nearly as much as the sum of food produced in sub-Saharan Africa. According to the US Department of Agriculture, food waste is estimated at between 30-40% of the food supply in the US. In 2018, food waste in the US totaled 103 million tons, with an approximate value of $161 billion.


  We urge relevant countries to reduce food waste, fulfill their due international obligations and shoulder more international responsibilities. Instead of racking their brains to make an issue of other countries, they should do their own homework well, take earnest efforts to save food, maintain the steady operation of international trade in agricultural products and help developing countries improve the capacity of food production in order to uphold global food security.


  The more difficult the situation is, the more important it is for us to enhance solidarity. At a time when the international food supply chain is coming under impact, we call on all countries to shoulder common responsibility. We should increase food supply by stabilizing production, reducing food loss and ensuring smooth supply, andatthesametime reduce food loss and food waste and make earnest efforts in food conservation in order to safeguard global food security.


  Kyodo News: According to reports, cargo trains carrying medical supplies entered the DPRK from Dandong, China on Thursday night. Can you confirm this?


  Wang Wenbin: I am not aware of the information you mentioned.



  Bloomberg: Just on the speech by Antony Blinken. You mentioned that Blinken was spreading disinformation. I wonder if you could elaborate a little bit about that in terms of specific examples or what exactly you were referring to when you mentioned spreading disinformation. And also secondly, you said that China is watching what the US will do. Could you give some specific examples in terms of Taiwan, for example? What will you be looking at? What sort of areas will you be looking at?


  Wang Wenbin: Let me start with your first question. You asked me to give you an example of what Secretary Blinken said was disinformation. Here is a typical example. Secretary Blinken said that China poses “the most serious long-term challenge to the international order”. This is a classic piece of disinformation.


  International rules and order have been clearly defined. China has always maintained that all countries should firmly uphold theinternational system with the UN at its core, international order underpinned by international law, and basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. China has always been a staunch defender of the international order. Secretary Blinken said that China poses “the most serious long-term challenge to the international order”. What will you call it if not disinformation?


  We urge the US side to follow China’s example and make a clear statement that it firmly upholdsthe international system with the UN at its core, international order underpinned by international law, and basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, instead of smearing and attacking others.


  As to your second question, I made clear China’s position just now. We urge the US to bear in mind the common interests of people in both countries and the world. It should act on President Biden’s remarks that the US does not seek a new Cold War with China; it does not aim to change China’s system; the revitalization of its alliances is not targeted at China; the US does not support “Taiwan independence”; and it has no intention to seek a conflict with China. The US should work with China to finda wayforourtwomajorcountries to get along with peaceful coexistence, mutual respect and win-win cooperation.



  Shenzhen TV: According to reports, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said at the World Economic Forum annual conference that the US and NATO were involved in actions that provoked Moscow to wage war on Ukraine. Iran supports resolving the Russia-Ukraine conflict via dialogue and diplomatic means. What is China’s comment?


  Wang Wenbin: China has noted the statements by Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian. This once again shows that the international community has a clear and objective understanding about the due responsibility the US shouldassume in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.


  In fact, among the more than 190 members of the United Nations, more than 140 countries, home to more than six billion people, have refused to impose sanctions on Russia. The vast majority of countries in the world disapprove applying unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdictions without the basis of international law or the Security Council’s mandate, andoppose picking sides or engaginginbloc confrontation.


  The US should heed the objectivevoice for justice in the international community, earnestly reflect on its due responsibility in the Ukraine crisis, andstart comprehensive talks with Russia as soon as possible to create conditions for the political settlement of the crisis. It should not watch the fire burning from a distance, still less fan the flame.



  Bloomberg: I would like to ask about reports that Fiji will join the US in the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework. This makes it the first Pacific Island Country to do so. Do you have any comments on Fiji’s participation in the US economic initiative?


  Wang Wenbin: Recently, we have elaborated onChina’s position on the “Indo-Pacific Economic Framework” on multiple occasions. The Asia-Pacific should become the pacesetter of peace and development, not a chessboard for geopolitical contest. An initiative that truly contributes to regional development should follow the principles of openness, inclusiveness, mutual benefit and win-win outcomes, instead of being used to build walls, create division and stoke confrontation. This is the shared voice of countries in the region. China is ready to work with other countries in the region to practice true multilateralism, build an open regional economy and make the Asia-Pacific region a better place.



中国管理科学研究院2022-05-28 06:16科技管理研究所


























